China Poot Lake Trail (2.6 mi/4.1 km)

Rating: Moderate (short, steep climbs)
Hiking Time: 1.5 hours
Elevation Gain: 500 ft.

Trailhead Access: Marine Access: Halibut Cove Lagoon (protected anchorage, with mooring buoys and public dock)

Camping: Developed campsites at Halibut Cove Lagoon Trailhead, and at China Poot Lake Campsite (popular)
Water Availability: At trailhead; several small streams along trail; China Poot Lake; Moose Valley Creek

Trail Description: This popular trail gently climbs through the forest and over a low ridge, passing two small lakes where common loons are common and blueberries are plentiful (August). The trail meanders through cottonwoods and ends at the China Poot Lake Campsite and inlet stream. Great camping or picnic site, great departure point for the Poot Peak or Wosnesenski areas.

Trail Fact sheet and map