Coalition Loop Trail (5.5 mi/8.8 km)

Rating: Moderate (short, steep climbs)
Hiking Time: 3 hours for loop
Elevation Gain: 400 ft.

Trailhead Access: Marine Access - China Poot Bay Trailhead (high tide only); and at mile 0.2 and mile 1.8 of China Poot Lake Trail.

Camping: Halibut Cove Lagoon Trailhead Campsite, China Poot Bay Trailhead
Water Availability: Small seasonal creeks, China Poot Lake

Trail Description: Connecting Halibut Cove Lagoon with China Poot Bay (1.6 miles) and dedicated to the Kachemak Bay Citizen's Coalition, this trail shares some of the 23,000 acres once destined for logging and development, which the grass-roots Coalition volunteers helped Alaska State Parks acquire. Extended in 1999 in a loop back to China Poot Lake Trail, near the north shore of China Poot Lake, the trail climbs over a low ridge from mile 0.2 of China Poot Lake Trail, opening to scenic views of China Poot Bay, where bald eagles soar over bluffs. Next, descending to China Poot Bay, a good stop for lunch or boat pick-up, the trail continues south. Just minutes beyond the bay it traverses steep, forested hillsides, then passes through low ridges and valleys - note the few hemlocks in this area. The trail then passes high along China Poot Creek to a spectacular overlook of China Poot Lake (mile 4.0). As the trail descends toward the lakeshore, it rejoins China Poot Lake Trail.